The Awakening

The Awakening is our contemporary worship service. All in the community are welcome!

Service begins at 11am and features our Praise Band, Open Mic time for prayer requests and praises, witness and testimony before the Sermon by Pastor Haley Hausman.

Communion is served on the 1st Sunday of each month. 

Join our TEam!

The Awakening Service is always looking for new faces to volunteer and work with us. For any questions or to get connected, contact the Church office at (309)853-4497. 

We're currently looking for the following:

  • Praise Band members

    The Praise Band provides music to open and close each service. We are seeking not only singers, but also musicians to help fill out our stage. If you, or someone you know, has a muisical talent and want to use it for the Lord than this is the perfect opportunity!

  • Awakening Worship Team

    Worship team members help make sure everything is ready for the service, including: set up & tear down, creating promos and gift items for visitors, reaching out and greeting new visitors to the service, and obtaining information. Team members also will help greet worshipers as they enter Fellowship Hall.

  • Refreshments Team

    At The Awakening service, we offer an informal coffee bar and treat table. We're looking for people who would like to volunteer to bring treats, assist with serving, and help with clean-up.